Another Way of Selling or Renting Your Property

Now I am not going to say that this is the answer for everything related to renting or selling your property. I am simply going to say that I just did this and it worked for me beautifully.
I was recently pushed by my friend Karl Hartley to get more involved with Social Marketing through sites like Facebook and Myspace. I joined and was really amazed at this new marketplace that has been created by “friends” simply talking about what they like, don’t like, interests, etc.
So I’ve been on the site now for a month and have about 50 friends that have joined me and have shared various things with me and the community in general. I have shared my passion for real estate and 1-800-SELL-NOW for all to see. Here’s where my eyes were opened on Friday to the true power of social marketing…..
You can go right on Facebook and see my profile at and see in my history that I added a property for rent on Friday. Within an hour of adding that property I began receiving calls from interested people that I did not know nor had I ever met. By Saturday morning I was taking a deposit on the property at my price. Saving me the hassle of continued showing or any lapse between tenants.
I’ve heard of others that have had the same type of succeess in selling their property this way. Now I have tried to rent properties in the past and have never, ever, ever rented it within a few hours of any other marekting that I’ve done. It made a believer out of me. Although I know that this is unrealistic, but I hope that they all go this smoothly once I put a deal on a social site.
Again, I am not promoting anything and it may have just been a fluke. But there is a lot of buzz in the market about social marketing and these sites and companies are being valued at billions of dollars because of their advertising revenue potential. Because of this, I tried it out and WOW what an eye opening experience!!
Good Luck,
Kent Clothier