Making money in real estate is something you can learn. There’s no doubt about that if you’ve got the determination to do it. But the real question is this: Do you want to have to relearn all the hard-learned lessons others have experienced because you want to do it on your own, OR are you going to take advantage of the knowledge and experience others have gained as they’ve traveled the road ahead of you. In other words, do you want to learn the easy way or the hard way? Kent Clothier is a guy who can help you learn what making money in real estate really looks like – without the hype, money-grubbing scams, or lies spoken so often in the real estate space. He’s a guy who’s learned the hard way and he wants to help you learn the easy way. This is his new podcast, “The Time Is Now.” Wanna’ learn real estate from the ground up? Here’s your opportunity.
Why business experience at a young age is not always a good thing.
On this episode of “The Time Is Now,” Kent Clothier tells his story – how he and his father built a multi-million dollar business wholesaling products to retailers – how his father handed over the reins to him when he was ready to retire. But Kent wasn’t alone in the business. He had some business partners who were alongside and when, as young man who thought he knew it all, he believed that he was owed more of the business than he had at the time, he made some decisions that forced him to walk away from it. Those hard-learned lessons are what Kent shares, so be sure you hear his story – and how it has taught him to make money real estate and build the life of his dreams.
Trying to beat his former partners, Kent lost his entire life savings. Learn from his story.
It’s one thing to make some bad decisions. It’s another thing to make the same kinds of mistakes over and over and over. That’s what Kent Clothier did as he left the company he and his father had built. Out of anger and resentment Kent tried to build a competitor company to his former business partners and lost friends and his entire life savings in the effort. That’s when he hit bottom and there was nowhere to look but up. The path he followed led him to a new form of success through real estate investing, a new kind of business where the business works for him rather than him working for it. That’s what Kent is going to share with you on this episode.
No holds barred, real-life, “making money in real estate” advice is what you’ll receive here.
Kent Clothier has spent too much time wasting his effort and trying to accomplish things that simply weren’t worth it. That’s the reason he’s never going to consume your time without you getting a TON of value from it. He’s committed to telling you the truth about making money in real estate – no lies, no excuses, and no sugar-coating. If you consistently listen to this podcast – The Time Is Now – you’re going to hear the reality of what it takes to succeed in real estate investing and how you can do it in a way that enables you to build a business that supports your family and lifestyle in ways you never dreamed. You’ve got to hear this intro episode to know where Kent has come from and why it matters so much to him that you don’t waste your time.
The main reason you’ve got to start building a real estate investing business.
As you listen to this episode you’ll hear the mistakes Kent Clothier made as he was trying to build a business. He did what most entrepreneurs do – he made the business too dependent on him. All his time was consumed with the business and as a result, he lost his marriage and much more. He’s learned from those mistakes and has now built a business that works for him, a business that can run without him because he’s established systems and built a team. That’s what he wants to help you do as well. The main reason you need to learn how to build that kind of business is because there’s no better time. The longer you wait the harder it will be and the less of your life you’ll have to benefit from it. The time really is now.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:27] Why should you care to listen to Kent Clothier?
- [3:00] Kent’s experience doing wholesaling and sales.
- [7:46] Why Kent walked out of a multi-million dollar business.
- [11:00] What Kent brings to the table each week.