Want to build a business that won’t just thrive today, but that will continue to survive, lead, and grow?
Business, the economy, and what works and is needed is changing. It’s changing faster and more dramatically than ever. How will you prosper and continue to enjoy the time freedom and financial freedom you desire?
Mark Cuban thinks he has the answer, and here’s how to implement it…
The Crushing & Freeing Impact of Automation
Via Inc. Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban recently sounded off on the future of business and most in demand job skills that will differentiate the winners and losers ahead.
One thing we are all clearly aware of is that technology is taking over. However, while many are trying to train for tech jobs, and businesses are battling to find good coders, developers, and more data, Cuban suggests that could all soon be a dead end, just like the jobs of the old industrial era.
Some 20% to 80% of jobs are slated to be made extinct by technology over the next few years. We’re already seeing many basic customer service functions and professional careers disappear. Technology has already made them redundant. However, behind the scenes computer experts are already working on the AI that will write code, create software solutions, and compile data all by itself.
So, what do businesses need to shine and get ahead if it isn’t tech workers, or coders?
Most Sought After Skill #1
With automation, systems, and plies of data readily available Mark Cuban predicts one of the most sought after skills will be critical thinking. We still need real humans to analyze all of this. It takes great skill to decipher big data, and to pinpoint the best ways to use automation, and make the most of systems available. For example; in real estate you can now get access to motivated seller and buyer lists and properties online. You can generate clicks to your website and generate leads on demand. Yet, we need critical thinkers who can make sense of it; pinpoint the best types of leads, create the right messaging to convert potential leads, and to ensure budgets are being optimized.
Most Sought After Skill #2
Creative thinking is also vital. If businesses can be started faster and easier than ever, and consumers can use technology to solve 90% of the problems that humans used to be needed for, then independent entrepreneurs and business owners need to be more creative than ever. They need teams who are great creative thinkers, and consultants and coaches who are excellent creative problem solvers. It is here that the brands, services, products, and people that will lead will stand out. Entire careers and industries are being reinvented, and creativity is essential for survival. Just look at Uber, Snapchat and Airbnb, and that’s just the start.
Most Sought After Skill #3
Cuban also says that “having people come in and have a social impact and making it a real job is what we’re gonna need.” This is not only true because our world needs to turnaround decades of negative social impact, but also that we are in a new era of social responsibility. New regulations, peer pressure, and consumer preferences are making it essential to be socially conscious and to work in a different way. There is a new bar being set. Those that aren’t leading in this area are going to be subpar brands who have to discount themselves to stay alive, if they can.
How to Win
How can businesses win in this new environment where critical and creative thinking, and social impact is so important?
The first step is certainly to take time out to think about it. Think far ahead and plan accordingly. Then look at how social impact programs and a culture of excelling in this area can be grown and implemented, starting now.
The hire and build growth tracts for team members. Who will you need on your team to win in this new space? Can you lock up the best thinkers now by getting them on your team? If some current job functions will become redundant, how can you transition existing employees to survive and remain valuable with new skills and roles instead of having to let them go?